Welcome to the English Martyrs Didcot and St John Wallingford parish website. We are two neighbouring churches within the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth. We currently have about five hundred regular parishioners and many activities. ​

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English Martyrs Church Didcot is open daily for private prayers between 8am and 5pm.
St John the Evangelist Church Wallingford is open daily for private prayers between 8am and 6pm.
The Seven Holy Founders of the Servites
Monday, 17th February is the Memorial of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order. These were devout 13th century people from Florence, who included some of the most well-known and affluent families of the city. In response to the Cathar heresy, they founded a Confraternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and later an Order of Friars called Servites or Servants of Mary. They began leading a life of prayer and austerity on nearby Mount Sennario, where they built a church and hermitage. In 1240, they adopted a stable way of life based on the rule of St. Augustine, wearing a black habit. After the Order began to spread, they set up foundations in nearby towns and cities. Their most famous church is the Annunziata in Florence, which is still served by them. The new Servite Order was recognised and solemnly approved by Pope Benedict XI in 1259 and has since spread to many parts of the world. Prior to the Reformation, they had no houses in England, but since the 19th century there are now a number of friaries in Britain. Their signature devotion is to the Seven Sorrows of Mary. The Founders themselves were canonised in 1887. When I was a seminarian in Allen Hall, I sometimes went to Mass in the Servite Church on the Fulham Road and appreciated the witness of the clergy there. Please pray for the Order and for vocations to the religious life. [Image: My Catholic Life] [Portsmouth Diocese e-News)
News Update
NO MORNING MASS on 15th February Saturday
There is NO MORNING MASS on 15th February Saturday. Evening mass will be as usual.
CAFOD Parish Volunteer Needed
We need a CAFOD Parish Volunteer to represent both English Martyrs and St John. You will represent us in the upcoming Lent Fast Day which is on Friday 14th March, and help us keep in touch with the news and activities of CAFOD. Please let Ada or Fr Dominic know if you can help. For more information, you can contact Jo Lewry from CAFOD by email jolewry@cafod.org.uk or phone 07710 094447.

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Where to find us
English Martyrs Church, Didcot
15 Manor Crescent, Didcot, Oxon OX11 7AJ
Telephone: 01235 812338
St John the Evangelist Church
Market Place, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 0EG
(All correspondence to English Martyrs Church Didcot)